Video 1 - SP1 RL lesson 11 - label objects
Goal - to pass the items that I ask for
Outcome - Ashton was able to identify and pass all of the items that I had asked him to.
When he finished he said “now we can play!”
Video 2 - phonics island
Goal - letter recognition
Outcome - Ashton was being cheeky during this activity today, rather than listening to the sounds and picking the correct letter during the balloon activity ashton wanted to pop all of the balloons instead. He enjoyed listening to the sounds that some of the animals would make and pretend that he was afraid of them.
Video 1 - yes/no
Goal - identifying yes or no if the animal is what it says it is
Outcome - Ashton didn’t show much interest in this activity today, after lots of prompting Ashton was able to identify whether the answer was yes or no.
Video 2 - tracing lines
Goal - independently trace lines while using correct pencil grip
Outcome - I needed to use hand over hand to do this activity today, Ashton didn’t want to do this activity today. I thought Ashton might be more inclined to trace the lines as they are pictures of things that he’s interested in, next time I’ll try something else.
Went to park with children and Ashton was with Kevin at the beach and then came to the park/playground. He saw me and waved and came up to me and said “hello mummy.” And then as we were in the playground he came toward me and pointed and said “you are my friend.” I said I am and out my arms out and he came and gave be a cuddle . Skye was playing planets with him and he ran to me and said “you are an alien. “
20/06/20 Video 1 - Throwing a ball
Goal - to throw and catch a ball (improve gross motor skills).
Outcome - Ashton was not interested today. He threw the ball once and kept running away.
20/06/20 Observation - leap frog oven
Ashton went into the playroom (no one else was in there) and I suggested we do some cooking. He immediately said yes and grabbed the oven or as he was calling it the "cooking machine". We probably played for a good fifteen minutes and during this time we talked about what we were cooking, we would pick times for it to bake and than shared the food when it was ready. Ashton was able to interact with my questions as well as follow my instructions when given. He really enjoyed this game.
Observation - simple game of cars
Ashton sat down to play with his hot wheel cars. I tried to turn this into a game with a story but he wasn't too interested (I continued to try throughout our play and Ashton would reply accordingly with, "no we aren't going eat pizza etc...." so he was at least acknowledging what I was suggesting). During this play Ashton often wanted the car I had and would shout, "I want it", I would tell Ashton to ask nicely and look at me which he was able to do each time. I got some great eye contact from him when he would request the car I had.
20/06/20 Video 2 - Sensory play with shaving cream and water (spontaneous activity) (only partially filmed)
Outcome - At first Ashton didn't like the feeling of the shaving cream on his hands and wanted to wash it with water as well as use a tea towel to make himself feel clean. He would even request I remove the sea creatures from the shaving cream so he wasn't touching it. As more water was added into the play (not filmed) he enjoyed the feeling and played with his hands in the shaving cream/water mixture. We created a game that the shaving cream was dirt and the sea creatures needed to be washed in the water jug. Ashton was able to request when he wanted more shaving cream by saying, "we need more dirt" and he would also ask for clean water. Overall he enjoyed this sensory experience.
19/06/20 Video 3 - Throwing a ball
Goal - to throw and catch a ball (improve gross motor skills).
Outcome - Ashton wasn't overly interested in this activity today. I feel he may have been distracted on the outside balcony. He had some success throwing the ball but wasn't focused enough to successfully catch it today.
19/06/20 Video 2 - Finish the Song
Goal - to finish a common song that is started by someone else.
Outcome - Ashton was able to finish each part of the song. He was very wriggly and not fully engaged, but he did participate. About halfway through Ashton began to sing the songs and would stop for me to finish so essentially we reversed roles.
19/06/20 Video 1 - Mini beast habitat
Goal - to identify characteristics of the mini beast and place them in the correct spot on the habitat sheet.
Outcome - Ashton is able to identify some characteristics of the mini beasts. I tried to do this activity with modelling today as Ashton had his own agenda. I believe Ashton has the ability to experience success with this activity but, today he had other ideas. Next time I will try to explain the activity first, I feel I rushed in without properly outlining the task first.
Ashton asked to play and just started to ask “would you like ice cream. Very good with lots of encouragement from adults and we did a lot of prompting as he got a little lost in the game as the other children joined in. Great start for Ashton to play with his peers. There was lots of identification of who was next and counting the pizza pieces as he handed them to Anastasia and then to the others. He acknowledged the other children and adults in the room and wanted them all to have something.
18/06/20 Video 1 - Tracing Lines
Goal - to independently trace lines using the correct pen grip.
Outcome - Ashton required/requested hand over hand help with his tracing. I used two dinosaur themed tracing sheets to try and peak his interest. Ashton was able to label each dinosaur on sheet one and he could identify the numbers on sheet two. Ashton needs to work on his pen grip.
18/06/20 Video 2 - Star Program 1 receptive language lesson 5 (nonverbal imitation - gross motor)
Goal - to imitate gross motor movements (clap hands, touch nose, touch arm, touch head and stomp feet).
Outcome - Ashton is able to imitate these actions but often needed encouragement. I tried to theme this activity and pretend we were characters to spark Ashton's interest. Ashton was Godzilla and I was Mothra. Being a character seemed to encourage Ashton to imitate the movements.
Video 1 - tracing a line
Goal - to trace lines independently using correct pencil grip
Outcome - Ashton didn’t show much interest in this activity, rather than tracing the dotted lines Ashton wanted to scribble on other parts of the page. I used hand over hand to encourage Ashton to trace over the lines.
Video 2 - Osmo
Goal - alphabet recognition
Outcome - we were able to complete 3 letters today which was fantastic, Ashton needed some encouragement and assistance at times to complete each letter section.
Video 3 - SP 1 RL Lesson 2 attending as well as incorporating “come here”
Goal - to follow directions/instructions
Outcome - Ashton didn’t want to do this activity today, he ran away to play with his toys so I thought I’d try and ask him to come over to me, He looked at me and smiled cheekily. I asked Ashton a few times to stand up but instead I received some really good eye contact.
Video 1 - SP 1 RL lesson 11 label objects
Goal - to be able to hand me the objects that are asked for.
Outcome - Ashton didn’t want to hand me the objects so I modified today’s activity to just naming the objects that I was pointing to, Ashton was able to name all the objects that were on the table.
Ashton and the girls spotted a worm this morning. Ashton asked for a magnifying glass. We looked at and discussed the different colours we could see in the worm.
Ashton then asked to put it in the garden so it could turn into a cocoon and then a butterfly.
He enjoyed examining the worm with his sister's.
This then lead to exploring different things they could see through the magnifying glass around the yard.
11/06/20 Video 1 - Bubble play/ Star Program 1 expressive language lesson 2 (initial requesting)
Goal - to imitate single words or phrases and use those imitated words or phrases spontaneously.
Outcome - Ashton is able to imitate phrases to request when he wants more bubbles. During this activity I tried to wait whilst holding the bubble wand to see if Ashton would request without any prompts or cues. I found I still had to ask Ashton what he wanted which would prompt him to say a requesting phrase. At this stage Ashton is only spontaneously requesting sometimes and this activity needs to be repeated in other scenarios to ensure generalisation.
11/06/20 Video 2 - Yellow Stepper
Goal - to use the stepper without holding my hand.
Outcome - Ashton is still wanting to hold my hand during this activity. He needs to continue using the stepper to help improve his balance and leg strength.
11/06/20 Video 3 - Windmakers
Goal - to improve fine motor strength, eye-hand co-ordination, visual attention and tracking.
Outcome - Ashton seemed to have his own agenda during this activity today. He needs to continue working on his ability to squeeze the windmaker. To try and help Ashton improve his squeezing technique I played a little game where I squeezed the bottle at his hair. Ashton found this funny and I got him to do it back to me, he was able to squeeze the bottle a little bit. We will keep practising.
10/06/20 Video 1 - Bubble play
Goal - to improve requesting skills when asking for bubbles.
Outcome - Ashton enjoyed this activity. He is able to request when he wants more bubbles but sometimes still needs prompting.
10/06/20 Video 2 - Windmakers/Star Program 1 receptive language lesson 2 (attending)
Goal - to improve fine motor strength, eye-hand co-ordination, visual attention and tracking.
Goal - to follow cues: look at me, sit down, stand up, hands down.
Outcome - Ashton enjoys playing with the windmakers however, he needs to improve his strength when squeezing the windmaker. He is able to line the windmaker up with the pom pom but requires hand over hand help to get it to move.
During this activity Ashton was able to follow the cues of sit down, stand up and hands down most of the time. He doesn't always look at me when requested.
10/06/20 Video 3 - Clue cards (insect cards from Tania)
Goal - to match insects to clues given.
My video is not on a very good angle as I was using the new phone holder. I thought I had it lined up straight.
Outcome - Ashton was able to select the correct insect on two occasions (the worm and the bee) but this activity didn't last for very long. He seemed to have his own agenda and got up from the table. As I couldn't get him back to the activity I stopped filming and asked Ashton if he was finished and he replied, "yes I'm finished".
Ashton playing sprinkle cupcakes
Speech therapy- Ashton was not happy today. Excuse he wanted to go out with Kevin. He said “I want to see Kevin.”
Video 1 - what’s the time Mr wolf? With siblings
Goal - to engage in a group game without assistance
Outcome - Ashton needed encouragement from Karen to stay and participate in the game, he watched as Karen counted how many steps to take. At the end Ashton loved being chased by the wolf
Video 2 - hand washing
Goal - to wash hands independently without any prompting
Outcome - Ashton is able to do all the steps independently however needs guidance in what step comes next.
Video 1 - game show with Anastasia
Goal - to engage in a turn taking group activity
Outcome - Ashton didn’t show much interest in the game show today, when it was Ashton’s turn he was to point out the circles but instead he began naming the other shapes. When it came to Anastasia’s turn he was diverting his attention away from the game by getting up to leave as well as placing his head on the table.
Videos 2 & 3 - Osmo
Goal - letter recognition
Outcome - Ashton was shown three letters to choose from, Ashton chose the letter A. Ashton was able to make the letter A using the Osmo shapes that are provided with the game. The next step was to make an astronaut but Ashton asked if we could make an alligator instead which I thought was a fantastic idea and it also starts with the letter A. Ashton was playing with the shapes rather than making the animal so I encouraged him to make an astronaut by starting to make the astronaut
Ashton was on the trampoline and he said to sky “let’s play” she asked what he wanted to play .. he said it a few more times and then after asking what do you want to play he the. Said “crack the egg” which is a game on the tramp where he puts his knees up to his chest and holds his legs and someone bounces until he can’t hold on any more .. the game continued with him requesting the next step .
Yesterday Ashton made a rainbow and today a butterfly.
Throwing a ball
06/06/20 Video 1 - Throwing a ball
Goal - to throw and catch a ball (improve gross motor skills).
Outcome - Ashton was able to throw the ball several times but need to continue practising his catching skills. He was able to catch the ball a few times. Ashton was only interested for a short amount of time.
05/06/20 Video 1 - Throwing a ball
Goal - to throw and catch a ball (improve gross motor skills).
Outcome - Ashton didn't want to use a ball for this activity today instead he asked for a balloon. He really wanted me to blow up a balloon and release it so it would fly around the room. I tried to use this as a reinforcer to get Ashton to throw and catch another balloon I had blown up and tied off. This wasn't very successful. I feel Ashton just wasn't in the mood this morning and wanted to follow his own agenda.
05/06/20 Video 2 - Finish the Song
Goal - to finish a common song that is started by someone else.
Outcome - Ashton wasn't really in the mood for this activity today. He was laying on the bed (in the room upstairs) so I thought I'd just try singing and see how it went. Ashton sang a little bit here and there, he even had a cheeky moment where he was knowingly singing the wrong lyrics.
Speech therapy
04/06/20 Video 1 - Longer/taller/shorter
Goal - to correctly circle the animal that is longer etc. as per instructions on the worksheet.
Outcome - Ashton was able to correctly identify which snake was longer (out of two snakes on the worksheet). I had to identify that the giraffe was taller than the tiger so I modelled circling around the correct option for Ashton.
Ashton initiated the colouring in of this worksheet which was great. He seemed to enjoy that aspect of it.
04/06/20 Video 2 - Number and counting
Goal - to colour in all the stars with the number five.
Outcome - Ashton was very playful during this activity (he was showing his cheeky side) and didn't display much focus. I could sense that Ashton wasn't really going to participate in this activity so I modelled it for him (I coloured in some of the stars that displayed the number five). Hopefully next time he will show more interest and be able to copy what I did today.
04/06/20 Video 3 - Cutting/pasting
Goal - to improve fine motor skills for cutting and pasting.
Outcome - Despite Ashton's lack of interest in this task today (again was very playful during this activity) he was able to cut and stick some of the shapes on the corresponding paper. I did some modelling during this activity to try and bring Ashton on task. He held his scissors correctly but didn't really cut the shape out along the lines (he cut around the shape instead of on the dotted lines). Ashton was able to stick the shapes onto the correct corresponding shape for example the square onto the square.
Play Ashton initiated
Play - Ashton initiated
Ashton has been using the dinosaur head as pac man and I intruded into his play by using the hose to blow Pac-Man away. The play followed on from there with Ashton involving himself at times and adding ideas as the play progressed. I modelled different scenarios and he did follow with the hose and then he used the hose to fix the animals and then fill the car with water.
Ashton substituted the purpose of the petrol hose and made it become a tool to fix the animals and then turned it back into a petrol hose.
He put velociraptor through the car wash. I don’t think he was engaged with me at times.. he was playing parallel to me with his own agenda.
Video 1 - cutting & pasting
Goal - to cut using correct scissor grip and paste independently
Outcome - Ashton was able to cut using the correct scissor grip however needed some help with holding the paper to cut around the shapes. Ashton was able to paste the shapes onto the page independently with some encouragement to finish the activity.
Video 2 - spontaneous dinosaur play dough
Goal - to see where the play would lead
Outcome - Ashton enjoyed playing with the playdough independently however didn’t show much interest in joining in play with me. There were times where he engaged in an idea with me, but soon after would lose interest and go back to playing individually.
Video 3 - SP 1 RL lesson 2 Attending
Goal - to follow directions/instructions
Outcome - Ashton was able to follow the few directions I had asked him to do with some prompting, during the activity he began to shake his head however eventually stopped and completed the activity.
Video - SP 1 FR Lesson 4 hand washing
Goal - to wash hands independently without any prompting
Outcome - Ashton is able to do all the steps independently however needs guidance in what step comes next.
Speech therapy
Video - wriggly worms
Goal - to engage in a turn taking group activity
Outcome - Ashton took the first turn of wriggly worms, he rolled the die and took the matching coloured worm out of the stack. He did a good job at being patient and waiting for his sisters to take their turn. When it came to his turn again he knocked over the stack and loved watching them all crash.
Video 1 - SP 1 RL lesson 4 social communication
Goal - to be more social during an activity
Outcome - Ashton was playing with the LEGO while I was playing with the magnetic shapes. I was asking him questions like “what are you making Ashton?” Etc and he responded to most of the questions that I had asked him. I also told him what I was making however he didn’t show any interest in what I was making. His robot broke when I was going to suggest to swap games, I still made the suggestion however he was going to be upset so I asked if I could help him instead. When I thought he had finished making his robot he asked to find a piece, I thought we had picked them all but but Ashton was right, there was still a piece missing and he found it.
Video 2 - I can see (dinosaur)
Goal - for Ashton to repeat the sentence while pointing to the words that he is saying
Outcome - Ashton was able to repeat the sentence back to me while pointing to the words that he was saying however used his imagination and called the dinosaurs by different names.